The research results on the effect of gamma irradiation on the seeds viability of the seedlings first year of saturating interspecific crosses are given. It is proven to impact on germination of seeds, material loss of crop when grown in boxes, greenhouse, field as the radiation dose and the inheritance of the seedlings and the mutual factors influence. Some combinations were characterized by low percentage of germination regardless of the options. At a favorable combination of influence of factors a part of the sprouted seeds reached 98.6 %. The same applies to the amount of precipitated material in sowing boxes. Very small loss of plants found during their growing in the greenhouse with few exceptions can not be mentioned regarding the survival rate of seedlings in the field and its further growth. Minimum total loss of seedlings the first year was characterized by combinations of offspring 10.6G38 ´ Letana and 08.195/73 ´ Mezhyrichka in control, as well as the latest combination after irradiation with 200 Gy.
About the Authors
A. A. PodgaetskiyUkraine
N. V. Kravchenko
Yu. M. Padalka
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For citations:
Podgaetskiy A.A., Kravchenko N.V., Padalka Yu.M. EFFECT OFGAMMA-IRRADIATION HYBRID POTATOES SEEDS ON THEIR GERMINATIONABILITY. Potato Growing. 2016;24(1):107-114. (In Russ.)