In the cultivation of potatoes using biopacks and leaf processing plants, silicon-, iodine- and selenium-containing preparations obtained yield increase to 5.8 t/ha (34.5 %) on the variants of variety early Zhukovskiy and to 5.9 t/ha (31.0 %) on the variants of variety of Yubiley Zhukova. The yield of marketable tubers fresh potatoes, sold in the trading network, the categories «selected» more than 50 mm in greatest transverse diameter from 30.6 of 34.6 % (control without biopacks and without leaf treatments) increased to 40.8–43.2 %.
About the Authors
V. I. StarovoytovRussian Federation
O. A. Starovoytova
Russian Federation
А. А. Manohina
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Starovoytov V.I., Starovoytova O.A., Manohina А.А. BIOPACKS USE FOR POTATOES GROWING. Potato Growing. 2016;24(1):387-395. (In Russ.)