The results of the evaluation of potato varieties Krasavik and Umka according to important economic traits
New potato varieties of the early ripeness group Krasavik and Umka of RUE «The Research and Practical Centre of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato, Fruit and Vegetable Growing» were studied according to morphological characteristics, biochemical and technological indicators. Evaluated their suitability for industrial processing for crisps and garnish potatoes, fries, dry mashed potatoes, vacuuming: Krasavik is a table grade with a high nutritional value, suitable for industrial processing into potato products; Umka is a table grade with a high nutritional value, suitable for vacuuming.
About the Authors
L. N. KozlovaBelarus
O. B. Nezakonova
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For citations:
Kozlova L.N., Nezakonova O.B. The results of the evaluation of potato varieties Krasavik and Umka according to important economic traits. Potato Growing. 2022;30(1):20-24. (In Russ.)