Molecular markers of resistance genes to potato cyst nematodes and potato wart in interspecific hybrids
The article presents the results of molecular screening of interspecific potato hybrids for the presence of resistance genes to potato cyst nematodes – Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida, as well as to potato wart – Synchytrium endobioticum. Four interspecific hybrids were identified (193-15-3, 0215.258-3, 8м17-44a, 60ум15-5), which are characterized by the presence of six analyzed DNA markers.
About the Authors
D. V. BashkoBelarus
V. I. Bushueva
V. A. Kozlov
N. V. Rusetskiy
A. V. Chashinskiy
T. V. Semanyuk
I. A. Mihalkovich
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For citations:
Bashko D.V., Bushueva V.I., Kozlov V.A., Rusetskiy N.V., Chashinskiy A.V., Semanyuk T.V., Mihalkovich I.A. Molecular markers of resistance genes to potato cyst nematodes and potato wart in interspecific hybrids. Potato Growing. 2022;30(1):38-45. (In Russ.)