Results of the creation of a new potato basic material
The results of the creation of potato basic material for the period from 2017 to 2021 are presented. 16 hybrids were identified for resistance to viral diseases, 11 for late blight, 6 for high starch content, and 5 for suitability for industrial processing for potato products. The resulting hybrids were transferred to the breeders of the Center in basic forms. The samples bred in the laboratory of potato genetics have helped to create varieties Yuliya, Mastak and Sapfir
About the Authors
V. A. KozlovBelarus
A. V. Chashinskiy
N. V. Rusetskiy
I. A. Mihalkovich
T. V. Semanyuk
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For citations:
Kozlov V.A., Chashinskiy A.V., Rusetskiy N.V., Mihalkovich I.A., Semanyuk T.V. Results of the creation of a new potato basic material. Potato Growing. 2022;30(1):61-68. (In Russ.)