The research results on productivity of parental forms are presented, variation of the index in hybrid offspring is studied, hybrids exceeding the best of parental forms in productivity, as well as having 1000 and more g/bush are isolated. Compared to varieties, higher productivity is observed in interspecific hybrids. The maximum value of productivity limits was found in six populations involving interspecific hybrids and only in two – intervariental hybrids. The highest average productivity was shown by the offspring of the combination of Bagryan variety crossing and interspecific hybrid 89.202c79 – 784 g/bush, which is 2.32 times increases the value of the best standards. Almost in every population, hybrids with productivity exceeding the best parental form were released, and in eight populations, hybrids with productivity of 1000 or more g/bush were released.
About the Authors
A. A. PodgaetskiyUkraine
M. O. Gnitetskiy
N. V. Kravchenko
R. N. Shapoval
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For citations:
Podgaetskiy A.A., Gnitetskiy M.O., Kravchenko N.V., Shapoval R.N. PROGENY PRODUCTIVITY FROM INTERSPECIFIC AND INTERVARIETAL POTATOES CROSSING. Potato Growing. 2020;27(2):24-29. (In Russ.)