The experimental data on the evaluation of offspring from backcrossing of complex interspecific hybrids on starch content in tubers on the material of the first tuber generation are presented in the article. The best in the distribution of the progeny of starch among the varieties Irbitskiy and Bagryana was the last.
Among the progeny of the block of combinations with the Irbitskiy variety and various nine backcrosses of interspecific hybrids (maternal forms) in only four, a significant potential for the ability to form a highly starchy (more than 20 %) offspring was identified. These populations also showed a relatively high average population value of the indicator, as well as a significant frequency of offspring with a higher expression of the trait than the best parental form. They had a smaller part of their offspring with starch higher than 20 %. The replacement of the Irbitskiy variety with the Bagryana variety allowed only to increase the frequency of selection of highly starchy hybrids.
A positive effect on the possibility of isolating hybrids with a high starch content was the use of the parent forms of the Bagryana and Verdi variety in combinations with backcrosses of interspecies hybrids. Variety Podolia significantly inferiored to them in this respect.
Some backcrosses of interspecific hybrids possess the practical selection value for the possibility of isolating highly starch offspring: 10.1/7, 10.3/1.
About the Authors
N. V. KravchenkoUkraine
A. A. Podgaetskiy
V. M. Sobran
I. V. Sobran
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For citations:
Kravchenko N.V., Podgaetskiy A.A., Sobran V.M., Sobran I.V. STARCH CONTENT IN THE FIRST STEP GENERATION INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDS POTATOES. Potato Growing. 2018;26(1):51-56. (In Russ.)