
Potato Growing

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Influence of foliage spraying with micro-fertilizers of the AgroNan brand on potato yield and quality


The article presents the research results on the effectiveness of the AgroNan microfertilizers on potatoes. Double foliage spraying of micro-fertilizers AgroNan Active, L and AgroNan Bio, L contributed to the growth of both total (13.7–18.9 %) and commercial yields (16.8–26.0 %). In addition, the use of these fertilizers contributed to the accumulation of dry matter and starch in tubers and a decrease in the nitrate content.

About the Authors

N. A. Khoh
РУП «Гродненский зональный институт растениеводства Национальной академии наук Беларуси»

L. S. Rutkovskaya
РУП «Гродненский зональный институт растениеводства Национальной академии наук Беларуси»

M. O. Rovnaya
РУП «Гродненский зональный институт растениеводства Национальной академии наук Беларуси»


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For citations:

Khoh N.A., Rutkovskaya L.S., Rovnaya M.O. Influence of foliage spraying with micro-fertilizers of the AgroNan brand on potato yield and quality. Potato Growing. 2021;29(1):156-160. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9740 (Print)