Influence of foliage spraying with micro-fertilizers of the AgroNan brand on potato yield and quality
The article presents the research results on the effectiveness of the AgroNan microfertilizers on potatoes. Double foliage spraying of micro-fertilizers AgroNan Active, L and AgroNan Bio, L contributed to the growth of both total (13.7–18.9 %) and commercial yields (16.8–26.0 %). In addition, the use of these fertilizers contributed to the accumulation of dry matter and starch in tubers and a decrease in the nitrate content.
About the Authors
N. A. KhohBelarus
L. S. Rutkovskaya
M. O. Rovnaya
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For citations:
Khoh N.A., Rutkovskaya L.S., Rovnaya M.O. Influence of foliage spraying with micro-fertilizers of the AgroNan brand on potato yield and quality. Potato Growing. 2021;29(1):156-160. (In Russ.)