Preservation of yielding properties of early potato varieties in the field production depending of the size of a seed tuber
The research results on the influence of the size of seed tubers in the original potato seed production on the preservation of yielding properties of early potato varieties are presented in the article. It has been established that an increase in the fraction of the first tuber generation from 5 to 30 mm provides increase in the productivity of a potato plant by 1.2–1.4 times, depending on its variety.
About the Authors
N. A. AntsipovichBelarus
V. V. Antsipovich
A. I. Popkovich
T. V. Shamyakova
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For citations:
Antsipovich N.A., Antsipovich V.V., Popkovich A.I., Shamyakova T.V. Preservation of yielding properties of early potato varieties in the field production depending of the size of a seed tuber. Potato Growing. 2021;29(1):171-177. (In Russ.)