The method, which allows detection of dominant alleles of Ry-fsto and Ns, resistance genes to Y- and S- viruses respectively in one multiplex PCR, was developed. Seven cultivars and five hybrids (carriers of Ry-fsto) as well as 2 cultivars with Ns gene were selected by CAPS of markers GP122564 and SC811260 to these genes. The selected sources of resistance to Y- and S- viruses are recommended for use in potato breeding for this trait.
About the Authors
N. V. PavlyuchukBelarus
E. A. Voluevich
V. L. Makhanko
N. V. Rusetsky
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For citations:
Pavlyuchuk N.V., Voluevich E.A., Makhanko V.L., Rusetsky N.V. METHOD OF MULTIPLEX PCR FOR SEARCHING POTATO GENOTYPES RESISTANT TO Y - AND S - VIRUSES. Potato Growing. 2013;21(1):184-192. (In Russ.)