The transgenic potatoes with marker gene npt II and the target gene of CP PVY have been used as a source of transgenic pollen for the assessment the possibility of horizontal transfer of foreign genes. Field experiments were carried during the two years (2007 and 2010). As a plants-traps of transgenic pollen were used: in 2007 - non-transformed plants of cv. Rosinka that were planted at a distance of 0,7-7,0 m from the transgenic lines, in 2010 - nontransformed plants cv. Dubrava that were planted at a distance of 0,7-10,5 m. The presence of transgenic forms in the generative progeny of untransformed plants-traps was determined by the phenotypic expression of the marker gene (the rooting on selective medium with kanamycin), and the PCR method. After summation of the results, the fact of horizontal transfer of foreign genes at a distance 6.3 m was revealed (for plants cv. Rosinka, 2007). The frequency of transgenic seedlings was low (5.56%) what are indicating to the random nature of the gene transfer.
About the Authors
I. A. RodzkinaBelarus
N. S. Ulitsina
G. A. Yakovleva
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