Effectiveness of macro-and micro-fertilizers in the culture in vitro of potatoes
The article presents the research results on determining the optimal concentration of macro- and micro-fertilizers NanoSilicon, Kristalon (universal, yellow, brown), FERTIKA Lux, Batr max in the growing medium for accelerated in vitro reproduction of potato micro-cuttings due to the effectiveness of their action on the growth of the root system, the height of the stem and the number of internodes. It was found that the maximum number of roots and their greatest length in the studied varieties Pershatsvet (11.1–11.2 pcs and 6.0–6.1 cm) and Rubin (10.8–10.9 pcs – 6.2–6.5 cm) was recorded when using the fertilizers Kristalon yellow and brown in a concentration of 0.4 g/l. The largest number of internodes in the Pershatsvet variety was obtained when using the Nanosilicon in a dose of 0.05 ml/l, macro- and micro-elements Kristalon yellow and FERTIKA Lux in a dose of 0.4 ml/l (8.1 pcs). In the Rubin variety, the largest number of internodes was obtained when using Kristalon universal in the growing medium in a dose of 0.4 ml/l (7.2 pcs).
About the Authors
T. N. SidorenkoBelarus
S. A. Kolomoets
L. G. Tihonova
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For citations:
Sidorenko T.N., Kolomoets S.A., Tihonova L.G. Effectiveness of macro-and micro-fertilizers in the culture in vitro of potatoes. Potato Growing. 2021;29(1):210-217. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/0134-9740-2021-29-210-217