
Potato Growing

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Recently pigmented tuber flesh in potato attracts much attention of scientists and consumers due to their bioactive substances as well as an unusual and attractive appearance and taste. Therefore, the products made from potato tubers with blue flesh can be a great alternative to traditional foods.
‘Blue Congo’ and ‘Vitelotte’ potato cultivars with blue tuber flesh were investigated. By applying standard methods potato tuber chemical composition was investigated, boiled tuber culinary properties were evaluated. Research results showed that ‘Vitelotte’ potato tubers are substantially richer in amount of anthocyanins, dry matter, crude ash and potassium, and there is less nitrates accumulated than in ‘Blue Congo’ tubers. Boiled ‘Blue Congo’ tubers were moderately soft, of a rough structure, bright flavour, mealier and drier, while the ‘Vitelotte’ are of the average hardness, of the softer structure, with sufficiently brighter flavour, slightly mealier and more humid.

About the Authors

E. Jarienė
Aleksandras Stulginskis university

H. Danilčenko
Aleksandras Stulginskis university

N. Vaitkevičienė
Aleksandras Stulginskis university

E. Venskutonienė
Aleksandras Stulginskis university

N. J. Ciupachina
Immanuel Kant Baltic federal university
Russian Federation

R. L. Poltavskaya
Immanuel Kant Baltic federal university
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Jarienė E., Danilčenko H., Vaitkevičienė N., Venskutonienė E., Ciupachina N.J., Poltavskaya R.L. THE DEPENDENCE OF TUBERS QUALITY UPON THE CULTIVARS OF POTATO WITH FLESH COLOUR. Potato Growing. 2013;21(2):235-241.

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