Adaptability of domestic potato varieties in the conditions of the non-black earth region of Russia
The article presents the study results on a comprehensive assessment of varieties from the Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy collection in the conditions of the Nonblack Earth Region of Russia. The data were obtained for the Pskov and Tver regions. The varieties of the collection belong to different ripeness groups and were obtained by different selective breeding organizations. The adaptive potential of potato varieties of different ripeness groups under annually changing weather conditions has been estimated. In the course of research, varieties with high plasticity and productivity were identified. All varieties are characterized by high yield and resistance to diseases.
About the Authors
Yu. N. FedorovaRussian Federation
L. N. Fedorova
Russian Federation
M. B. Telpuk
Russian Federation
M. I. Zaitseva
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Fedorova Yu.N., Fedorova L.N., Telpuk M.B., Zaitseva M.I. Adaptability of domestic potato varieties in the conditions of the non-black earth region of Russia. Potato Growing. 2021;29(1):44-50. (In Russ.)