
Potato Growing

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Vol 21, No 1 (2013)
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6-12 179

The paper presents data of potato varieties of different maturity classes, evolved for the period 2008–2012, characterising them as productivity, taste qualities, resistance to stress factors of the external environment and immunity to various diseases.
Potato varieties resistant to biotic and abiotic factors, and widely in demand as in the farms of rural / urban settlements, farms, as well as in large manufacturing enterprises.

13-27 81

Some methodological questions of parental pair selection at breeging of technical potato varieties are considered. The combining ability of potato varieties to signs «starch content» and "productivity" has been estimated. It has been found, that Світанок Киïвскій as a female and Лазарь as the pollinizer are the most perspective at selection of technical breeds. The optimum combination of both signs can be received in combinations which have at least one parent excellent on GCA, and high or insignificant SCA to both signs. The most perspective hybrid families on starch content and productivity combination are Світанок Киïвскій×Albatross, Світанок Киïвскій×Adler, Albatross×Лазарь, Adler×Лазарь and Тетерів×Лазарь.

28-34 86

The results of studies on the different groups of varieties test of ripeness in terms of vertical zonality of the Republic of Ingushetia.
Found that the correct selection of the varieties of different periods of ripening and the use of quality seeds provides higher yields as in mountainous and Foothill area of the Republic.

35-39 73

Analysis of the ability of three types of soils to reveal the difference of the biochemical characteristics in potato tubers is given in the article. Parent plants for selection of potato varieties with increased biochemical value have been sorted out basing on the indices of the general adaptive ability, breeding value of the genotype and on the index of stability.

40-45 92

Highlights of potato breeding in the Ukraine, achievements and objectives of a potato breeding program in the Institute for Potato Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Ukraine, general methods of breeding and genetics research are given/

46-51 73

In the conditions of a mountain area of Tajikistan (Jirgital district, 2700 altitude) by us it is spent interspecies (Solanum tuberosum L.) potato hybridizations at various schemes of crossing. At selection of the parental forms, used in the course of crossing the special attention has been given such economic – to valuable signs, as efficiency, precocity, stability to illnesses and keeping capacity of tubers at storage. The received hybrids of a potato have the best indicators to morphological signs, on growth by development, on formation degree generative bodies, and also on efficiency. The effect heterosis to quantitative signs at hybrids depending on the crossing scheme was a miscellaneous 1000 pieces of the received hybrid seeds, quantity of tubers, weight of one tuber and efficiency at hybrids of a potato are defined true (Htru), hypothetical heterosis (Hhyp) and domination factor (H). The most valuable hybrid combinations for reception of new perspective hybrids, lines, forms and potato clones in selection process are revealed.

52-61 79

Laws of inheritance of signs the maintenance amylose and amylopectin are studied. The estimation is given hybrid combinations on frequency of occurrence in posterity of hybrids with the high maintenance amylose and amylopectin. Correlation communications between indicators of studied signs at parents and posterity are established and ways of selection of initial forms for hybridization are offered.
Perspective combinations which are necessary for using for creation of grades with the high maintenance amylose and amylopectin are allocated.

62-71 73

Mounted high potential varieties Belarusian selection in productivity. Especially in so doing conspicuous varieties Janka, Vetraz, Zdabitak, Rahneda. Proved Significant Effect on External symptom manifestations, Chief meteorological manner, conditions. Minimum importance Factor Variations, depending on the year conditions been detected in a variety of Dubrava in Study in NNVK SNAU and maximum – in varieties emphasis in terms PP "Mezhyrychtskoe." In some varieties in individual Years coefficient Variations have very small importance (sort Breeze, Zdabitak, Akcent, Universal in 2008 year – 2,5–6,9%). Only one varieties Dubrava predominate party Effect Venue study. In other this carried with year terms.


72-84 107

Segregating hybrid population has been produced for the purpose of marking novel gene of late blight resistance transferred into diploid breeding material from 2х 1 EBN potato species Solanum bulbocastanum. This population has tested for the character “field resistance to late blight” in three years. Results of trials indicated on monogenic dominant control of the character. DNA-markers of known Rpi-genes of S. bulbocastanum have not been revealed in resistant hybrids. Correlation was not available between late blight resistance and presence of some markers of Rpi-genes in hybrids.

85-92 64

Influence method of transfer the perspective diploid hybrids to the tetraploid level (unilateral or bilateral polyploidy) and influence backcrosses B1 and B2 on the economic signs of hybrid offspring are present in article. Established that efficiency, the maintenance of starch, roadworthy for technical processing, stability to fitophtora, amount of tubers, tubers shape, habits, length of stolons, compact tubers pocket at meiotic hybrids is independent of the transfer diploid samples to the tetraploid level. These parameters are caused combination ability of the parental forms.
Backcrosses are different from meiotic tetraploid at reduction amounts of undesirable signs typical of wild potato species. Decreasing of starch at posterity is negative consequence backcrossing. Also is noted reduction in the productivity, reduction of stability to fitophtora, deterioration of roadworthy for technical processing.

93-103 77

In article are learn new patterns of wild species of potato on stability to late blight blackleg, and Y-, X-, M-, A-viruses. The forms which have high resistance to these diseases are was isolated. The form was analyzed on content of starch, flowering, berries formation. As a result of the hybridization selecting forms was received interspecific hybrids which have highly resistant to phytopathogens.

104-111 123

Research on the 1500 potato samples worldwide collection was carried out in 2007–2011 in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan in two soil-climatic regions (Piedmont, subject to strong degeneration of the potatoes) and mining (favorable for the cultivation of potatoes). As a result of a comprehensive evaluation of the gene pool of the Republic Kazakhstan was formed indicative of the collection for selection for field resistance to viral diseases and macrosporiosis, efficiency and recyclability. Selected source material on a range of agronomic traits.

112-122 81

The results of a study on the prospects of potato interspecific hybrids and their backcrosses as a source of breeding material for production. Proved the value of the studied forms not only the relatively high expression of the essential feature, but the stability of its expression. Identified high-yielding hybrids with other agronomically valuable traits that are recommended for the practical use of a selection. The analysis of the grades obtained by the direct crossing from interspecific hybrids and their backcross.

123-135 65

Evaluated the potential of complex interspecific hybrids of potato starch content. The influence on the manifestation of signs of external conditions in the years of the study, the difference between the reaction of the test material and grades of standards for complex environmental factors. Obtained hybrids with high starch content in tubers of three years. A large part of them was characterized by significantly lower than that of varieties, coefficient of variation of the trait. Highlighted in combination with significant potential for the selection of highly starchy forms. Each population of possible selection of hybrids with higher expression characteristic than the best parent form as well (except for the combination number 34 in 2010) progeny starch content of more than 20%.

136-146 111

It was demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to produce plump seeds and viable hybrids in crosses between self-compatible diploid 2 EBN species Solanum verrucosum (female parent) and allotetraploid 2 EBN potato species as male parent. The obtained results made ground for the conclusion that elimination of the barriers of prezygotic incompatibility due to use of S. verrucosum, which is characterized by the lack of style S-RNases, sufficed for overcoming incompatibility in majority of cases of such crosses. The possibility has been shown of selection among produced interspecific hybrids of some quantity of fertile, presumably diploid seedlings along with common sterile triploid ones.

147-160 67

Prebreeding material of potato, perspective for resistance to late blight was created from somatic hybrids (SH) between tetraploid cultivated potato 78563-76 and S. bulbocastanum (SHSB). It is necessary four years of vegetative propagation for stabilization of somatic hybrids and formation of first viable seedlings of their free pollination and crosses with fertile samples of cultivated potato 88.16/20, 88.14/34 in direction SHSB × tbr, 4x. Sexual progenies of somatic hybrids were obtained in the period of 2000 to 2012 years: the first generation – 2000-2004, second – 2003-2008, third – 2006-2012. Initial forms for breeding on resistance to late blight were selected between interspecific hybrids of second and third sexual generations of somatic hybrids.


161-168 91

Was held the research of complicated interspecific hybrid , with attended wild species: S.Demissum, S.stoloniferum, S.vernei, S.acaule, S.chacoense and cultural tetraploid S.angidenum, in terms of productivity, quality of tubers, resistance to fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Allocated economically valuable genotypes with complex resistance to diseases. On their basis created newa promising selections material, meets the requirements of the varieties.

169-183 160

Possible directions of rational use of DNA-markers in potato breeding are discussed taking into consideration genetic characteristics of the crop and peculiarities of the breeding process. They included: use of DNA-markers for determination of the composition and allelic state of valuable genes in the initial material, for the production of multiplex tetraploid parental lines as well as producing unreduced gametes diploid parental lines with a complex of genes of disease and pest resistance. The results have been summarized that have been obtained by the laboratory of potato genetics of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology Belarusian National Academy of Sciences in research on these directions.

184-192 86

The method, which allows detection of dominant alleles of Ry-fsto and Ns, resistance genes to Y- and S- viruses respectively in one multiplex PCR, was developed. Seven cultivars and five hybrids (carriers of Ry-fsto) as well as 2 cultivars with Ns gene were selected by CAPS of markers GP122564 and SC811260 to these genes. The selected sources of resistance to Y- and S- viruses are recommended for use in potato breeding for this trait.

193-210 116

The transgenic potatoes with marker gene npt II and the target gene of CP PVY have been used as a source of transgenic pollen for the assessment the possibility of horizontal transfer of foreign genes. Field experiments were carried during the two years (2007 and 2010). As a plants-traps of transgenic pollen were used: in 2007 - non-transformed plants of cv. Rosinka that were planted at a distance of 0,7-7,0 m from the transgenic lines, in 2010 - nontransformed plants cv. Dubrava that were planted at a distance of 0,7-10,5 m. The presence of transgenic forms in the generative progeny of untransformed plants-traps was determined by the phenotypic expression of the marker gene (the rooting on selective medium with kanamycin), and the PCR method. After summation of the results, the fact of horizontal transfer of foreign genes at a distance 6.3 m was revealed (for plants cv. Rosinka, 2007). The frequency of transgenic seedlings was low (5.56%) what are indicating to the random nature of the gene transfer.

211-219 73

Study results of 38 Belarus potato varieties from VIR collection in the Murmansk region are presented, of which on the basis of agronomic traits identified the most productive and plastic varieties.


220-227 85

The paper presents results describing efficiency of biological preparation Bactosol designed to control potato pathogens. It was shown that pre-planting treatment of potato tubers with Bactosol inhibits spread of rhizoctonial rot in potato shoots by 75,6%, on tubers – by 79,5%.Bactosol application on vegetating plants suppresses distribution of early and late blight by 76,5% and 55,5%, respectively.

228-233 88

The results of the study of the biological effectiveness of fungicide seed dressing Celeste Top, EC used for pre-plant tubers. On the basis of the investigations have studied biological and economic efficiency of the drug with different application rates.

234-246 64

Serine proteinases secretion by two genetically related isolates of the fungus, collected from potato and tomato plants grown in central Russia have been studied. The data clarify functions of these enzymes in the process of pathogenesis in which they can play a pivotal role. It was found that the two isolates produced trypsin-like and subtilisin-like proteinases during growth both in synthetic culture medium and in medium containing heat-stable vegetable proteins. There were significant differences in the influence of the environment on the serine proteinase secretion by the potato and tomato isolates of A. solani. The proportion of such serine proteinases as trypsin-like and subtilisin-like enzymes depends on the composition of the growth medium, especially on the available organic nitrogen form, as well as features both of the pathogenic fungus and of the host plant. So, the tomato isolate demonstrated weak growth and low level or absence of serine proteinase excretion on cultivation with the medium containing proteins extracted from potato tubers and pea seeds. The potato isolate secreted many more serine proteinases, among which the trypsinlike enzymes dominated. Our data suggest that the tomato isolate, when grown on medium with proteins extracted from potato tubers, lost pathogenicity and became to behave as a saprophyte, while the potato isolate retained its pathogenic properties on growth on any tested medium.

247-253 108

The susceptibility of Colorado beetle different instar larvae and imago to infection by new entomopathogenic nematode new strains infection is studied. Dependence of entomopathogenic nematode biological activity from invasive loading is shown. On the basis of a complex efficiency estimation and biological activity, the perspective for biological products production strains – Steinernema carpocapsae №13 and Steinernema feltiae №8 are selected.

254-260 128

This article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of surfactant New Film-17, EC, used in conjunction with a fungicide treatment for growing plants. On the basis of the investigations have studied biological and economic efficiency use of the preparation.

261-281 146

This article presents the results of a study of the species composition of fungi of the genus Fusarium parasitic on potato tubers. Found that in the case of Belarus, in the pathogenesis of dry rot of potato tubers involves 11 species of fungi of the genus Fusarium: F. sambucinum var. sambucinum, F. sambucinum var. coeruleum, F. culmorum var. culmorum, F. sulphureum, F. coeruleum, F. solani var. solani, F. merismoides var. merismoides, F. avenaceum var. avenaceum, F. oxysporum var. oxysporum, F. nivale var. nivaleи F. ventricosum.

282-290 73

Fungicides Difenoconazole and Fludioxonil, insecticides Imidacloprid and Thiamethoxam, herbicide Metribuzin were tested on the inhibition of the radial growth of Phytophthora infestans colonies and oospore formation on oatmeal agar.
Fungicide Maxim showed a statistically significant suppression of radial growth of colony. Other investigated pesticides had no effect on the radial growth.
All tested pesticides, except Thiamethoxam, showed a statistically significant suppression of oospore formation by pairs of strains with different mating types. Maximal inhibitory effect had Fludioxonil and Difenoconazole. In very small concentrations (about 1 µg/ml) difenoconazole stimulated oospore formation.

291-297 67

In the article a data on an effectiveness of new fungicide Orvego (a.i. ametoctradin 300 g/L, dimethomorph 225 g/L for the control of late blight in conditions of epiphytotic development of the disease in field trials of potatoes in 2009-2010 and the results of commercial trials in 2011–2012 are given. It was shown an effectiveness of mode of application Orvego in comparison with the reference product Acrobat MZ.

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ISSN 0134-9740 (Print)