
Potato Growing

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Vol 22 (2014)
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5-12 115

The estimation of new potato varieties on their dry matter, protein and vitamin C content is given. Samples with high biological value are selected.

13-23 98

The resistance sources to M-virus – potato types of various origin and domestic hybrids are revealed on the basis of application of molecular markers. For gene detection of supersensitive stability of Rm which often met, it is offered to use two markers – CAPS a marker of GP283320 and ISSR UBC8221079 marker. The extreme gene stability of Gm is defined only in two hybrids by SC878885 marker SCAR. The selected sources of stability are recommended for use in selection.

24-28 99

Resistance of hybrid progeny to common scab was higher when both parental lines were resistant to this desease. Up to 12 % resistant genotypes were selected if one of the parents showed low resistance, use in hybridization of two susceptible initial forms allows to allocate only 1.1 % of hybrids that are resistant to common scab.


29-34 66

The results of potato hybrids creation with colored pulp of tubers are presented in the article, their assessment on managemental valuable features are given.

35-43 62

The work results (2011–2013) on creation of new initial material of potato resistance to late blight are present in the article. During the research 6 hybrids are created that are derived from species S. demissum, S. bulbocastanum, S. microdontum, S. simplicifolium, S. acaule, S. andigenum and S. phureja. These hybrids have relatively high resistance to late blight for leaf, pathogen for tubers and secondary resistant to blackleg on tubers with combination of other economically valuable traits.

44-49 68

The research results on creation of new initial material of the potato resistant to black stem on the basis of wild kinds and difficult interspecific hybrids are presented in the article. In the research 7 samples are recommended as initial forms on stability to activators to black stem.


50-57 104

The binary vector system with the gene for the synthesis of ALA-synthetases of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in cytoplasm of plant cell was constructed. Using this vector system the transgenic plants of potato of Belarussian variety Scarb were obtained. The plants will be applied for the development of transgenic potato cultivars synthesizing ALA and possessing increasing resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions.


58-62 94

The influence of weather conditions of the vegetative period on manifestation of primary signs of late blight and extent of its development on grades of different groups of ripeness is estimated. These hybrids estimates of competitive crop variety testing were analyzed in 2013.

63-71 101

The importance of immunological assessment of selection material of potatoes on wart disease and nemathelminth resistance as target signs of the created domestic grades is shown in the article. Data on distribution of steady and susceptible samples at test of selection material of potatoes for resistance to Synchytrium endobioticum mushroom (Schilb.) Perc. (patotype 1 D1) and Globodera rostochiensis (Woll.) Behrens (patotype Ro1) are given. Introduction necessity to practice of immunological researches of laboratory method of potato testing for wart disease and control check of cultivated grades on nemathelminth resistance is designated.

72-77 96

As a result of biology studying of Alternaria Solani (Ell et Mart.) five strains of this pathogen were recognized: M-10, M-30, M-40, M-69, M-70. High effectiveness of fungicide Scor 250 EC in control of Alternaria Solani (Ell et Mart.) and Alternaria alternate Keissler was shown in laboratory and test field. The increase of the yield depended on variety resistance was from 11 % (cv. Nezabudka) to 26,4 % (cv.Slovianka). The decrease of colonies development up to 100 % was reported in laboratory tests.

78-88 97

The highest rate of susceptibility to entomopathogens was noticed among the larvae of early ages, the lowest – among the larvae of IV age. Higher rate of biological activity was noticed at strains B. bassiana 10Е and 10-06: they caused death on the 10th day after the treatment of 77,8–100 % larvae I, on the 14th day – 84,4–100, 84,6 and 58,0–78,0 % larvae of II, III and IV ages. The entomopathogens negative influence on Colorado potato beetle was in a teratogenic effect. Veratruim lobelianum Bernh. and Juniperus sabina Gueldenst. extracts at concentration 12,5 % caused the death 90–100 % of all ages larvae on the 14th day. It is determined, that hellebore and juniper extracts have an ovicidal action.


89-94 72

The research results of studying the herbicide extracorn, SE in potato plantings are presented by its pre-emergent application in the article. The biological and economic evaluation of the preparation efficiency is given.

95-101 66

The research selection results of Belarusian isolates of potato S-virus for receiving the cleared virus preparation and further immunization of animals by production of sets for carrying out ELISA are given in the article. According to the results of artificial infection with the subsequent dynamic accounting of accumulation level of SBK virus effective stores – tomatoes grades the Nevskij and the Skazka are revealed.

102-123 84

The results of multiple year study of potato varieties and hybrids grown on heavy soil as well as their reaction on meteorological conditions are analyzed in this article. A model of incremental yield accumulation in studied varieties were established as a result of long term observations. The article provides the data characterizing yield potential of seed tubers obtained from plants with different yield and having different utilization types of reserved constituents, during their germination and subsequent plant development. Efficiency of higher plant density combined with the higher fertilizer rates is also shown. Comparative analysis of reaction of different varieties reaction in their biological characteristics on plant density, organic and mineral fertilizer rates is presented. The article also emphasizes the role of varieties and variety specific technology as factors of improving potato production efficiency.

124-130 70

The article presents the research results in 2012 and 2013. The seed selection for the introduction of potato plants in culture of vitro and further propagation is studied.
It is shown that the use of complex diagnostics by ELISA and PCR can detect a wide range of viral and bacterial potato infections.

131-138 67

The monitoring of potato spread virus diseases in different categories of farms of six districts of Mogilev region is carried out. The differentiation of viruses PVX (potato virus X), PVY (potato virus Y), PVS (potato virus S), PVM (potato virus M), PLRV (potato leaf roll virus), PVA (potato virus A) in the selected leaf samples by ELISA is carried out. The highest total amount of infected with viruses samples was identified in analyzed samples from Slavgorod and Gorky districts. This studying research of virus spread and their sources have allowed to allocate Mogilev, Shklov and Krichev areas as optimum in the phytovirologic aspect.

139-149 69

The monitoring results of identification of tobacco rattle virus, potato moptop virus and alfalfa mosaic virus in the planting of potato at various manegement agriculture of five districts of Gomel region are present in the article. It is established that the greatest distribution from three studied viruses has a Rattle-virus (9.0–19.0 %) which is found out in each investigated areas. The greatest quantity of positive tests is revealed in Vetkovsky (19.0 %), Zhlobinsky (18.0) and Zhitkovichsky (18.0 %) areas. The incidence potato plantings of mop-top and alfalfa mosaic viruses has the limited character.

150-158 65

The research results of processing influence methods of efficiency cultivation of potato and commodity output exit are resulted in the article. It is established that studied grades of potato have saved up the maximum productivity at entering of mineral fertilizers into dose N120Р60К180 against 40 t/hа of organic fertilizers with BIO application of preparation «Ecosil» and it has made varieties the Briz – 50,1–55,0 t/hа and Skarb – 47,4–52,1 t/ha. Receptions sprouting and bioapplications of preparation «Ecosil» are effective, they raise productivity and commodity output exit.

159-165 78

The research results effectiveness of the negative and tuber selection in high grade potato seed production and its impact on yield and quality are given in the article.

166-177 114

The article presents the research results of ecological technology of potato cultivation in comparison with intensive, traditional way on loamy sod-podzolic and sod-podzolic sandy loam soils in Minsk region. The data for 2011–2014 on biochemical parameters and amino acid composition of potato varieties under two cultivation methods are given. It is established the use of ecological technologies leads to accumulation in the tubers of amino acids, starch, dry matter, vitamin C and reducing nitrates.

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ISSN 0134-9740 (Print)