Potato selective breeding for suitability for industrial processing for food production
At the Research Institute of Potato-breeding of Sumy National Agrarian University, using own potato varieties as basic forms, 23 promising hybrids were obtained according to the main economically valuable traits (yield – up to 50 t/ha, starch content – 22 %, starch yield – up to 8–10 t/ha). Based on the results of the technological assessment, 35 % of hybrids of the early and medium early ripening groups with a high (28–30 %) dry matter content and low (0.2–0.4 %) reducing sugars content turned out to be the most suitable for industrial processing into potato products. The potential maximum yield of dried potato production was up to 27.7 kg from 100 kg of raw materials, crispy – up to 44.4 kg, which is almost 20 and 10 % higher than the established quality standard. Providing the processing industry with high-quality raw materials in the early stages is one of the factors in increasing the efficiency of enterprises and unloading them in the most stressful autumn period.
About the Authors
N. S. KozhushkoUkraine
N. N. Sakhoshko
D. V. Smilyk
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For citations:
Kozhushko N.S., Sakhoshko N.N., Smilyk D.V. Potato selective breeding for suitability for industrial processing for food production. Potato Growing. 2021;29(1):30-37. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/0134-9740-2021-29-30-37