The plants morphogenesis of early potatoes in the conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan is studied. The interrelation between weather conditions change and requirements imposed by concrete varieties of potatoes for their adaptation in the Republic of Bashkortostan is defined. The productivity of potatoes variety depends on its very tectonics, a gabitus and a homeostasis. Morphobiological types of plants and model of early potatoes variety are developed for soil climatic conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. New grades of potatoes Alekseevskiy, Elena and Birskiy are described. Practical recommendations for further selection of early potatoes are made.
The main criteria for the adaptability of 10 potatoes varieties of selection of the Institute of Potato Research of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the right bank of Polesye of Ukraine for use in seed potato production are studied and determined. Potatoes varieties are promised on the basis of: yield, adaptability coefficient, general and specific adaptability, stability. The varieties with the indicated characteristics and their complex combination are singled out and characterized. The main criterion of variety adaptability is the coefficient of adaptability for indicator 1 and higher, in terms of yield, under various agricultural and meteorological conditions during the growing years. The general adaptive capacity is inherent for the varieties Letana, Partnyor, Knyaginya, Strumok, Feya, Zlagoda, Sluch; in favorable weather conditions the specific adaptability is presented for varieties Letana, Partnyor, Knyaginya. In the seed potato production in the right bank of Polesye of Ukraine, it is more expedient to use the varieties Letan, Partnyor, Knyaginya, Strumok, Feya, Zlagoda, Sluch, Aria, Gurman for varieties sorting and rotation.
The parameters of eight morphological and biochemical characteristics that correlate with natural losses and its components during storage for potatoes varieties of different fractional composition are learned. The main limiting factors of natural losses are morphological features, bark layer and peel of bulb for studied varieties of potato in the conditions of north-east Lisostep of Ukraine. For selection of parental pair during selection for storability and removing of the worst of plant lets under bulb breeding that are developed mathematical models.
Using the photoluminescence method, a total antioxidant capacity (ТАС) of 2105 potatoes tuber samples was determined on the «PHOTOCHEM» device. Samples differed according to the color of the skin and pulp, the intensity of staining, the degree of maturity of tubers, the duration of storage, the growing season conditions (meteorological and technological). The TAC of potatoes tubers varies from 32 to 9650 µM equivalent of ascorbic acid/100 g fresh weight, depending on the color of the peel and pulp. Potatoes tubers with purple skin TAC are 1.6 times higher than in tubers with red skin and 3.3 times higher than in tubers with yellow. Potatoes tubers with purple and red pulp TAC are 2.7 times higher than in samples with cream, yellow and white pulp. Samples of potatoes with cream, yellow and white flesh have the same TAC.
The information about the analysis results on the breeding record of potatoes varieties are presented in the article. As a result of screening of a potato variety, the best varieties are recommended for use as initial material for breeding on main commercial traits: for early ripeiness, productivity, resistance to late blight (Phitophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary), resistance to cancer (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc.), resistance to scarb (Streptomyces scabies (Thaxt.) Waksman et Henrici), resistance to gold potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll.).
The analysis of genealogical potatoes verities showed that subspecies Solanum tuberosum subsp. Tuberosumwas formed on the basis of Solanum tuberosum subsp. chiloense and Solanum andigenum. Other types of potatoes also took part in creation of modern varieties: S. acaule Bitt., S. chacoense Bitt., S. stoloniferum Schlechtd., S. spegazzinii Bitt., S. vernei Bittet Wittm., etc.
The experimental data on the evaluation of offspring from backcrossing of complex interspecific hybrids on starch content in tubers on the material of the first tuber generation are presented in the article. The best in the distribution of the progeny of starch among the varieties Irbitskiy and Bagryana was the last.
Among the progeny of the block of combinations with the Irbitskiy variety and various nine backcrosses of interspecific hybrids (maternal forms) in only four, a significant potential for the ability to form a highly starchy (more than 20 %) offspring was identified. These populations also showed a relatively high average population value of the indicator, as well as a significant frequency of offspring with a higher expression of the trait than the best parental form. They had a smaller part of their offspring with starch higher than 20 %. The replacement of the Irbitskiy variety with the Bagryana variety allowed only to increase the frequency of selection of highly starchy hybrids.
A positive effect on the possibility of isolating hybrids with a high starch content was the use of the parent forms of the Bagryana and Verdi variety in combinations with backcrosses of interspecies hybrids. Variety Podolia significantly inferiored to them in this respect.
Some backcrosses of interspecific hybrids possess the practical selection value for the possibility of isolating highly starch offspring: 10.1/7, 10.3/1.
The modern data on nutritional value of garden potatoes tubers which are the source of stable starch, vitamin C, protein and minerals-potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc are presented in the article. Potatoes varieties with multicolored pulp have a high concentration of carotenoids and anthocyanins with high antioxidant activity. The use of modern methods for mass evaluation of the content of macro- and microcomponents in tubers of a wide diversity of genetic resources of potatoes provides for effective selection of parental components in the breeding of varieties of new generation, improved nutritional tubers value.
The two-year data on resistance of competitive variety trials of potatoes hybrids to Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. are presented in the article. The estimation of potatoes breeding material for sprouts and tubers for resistance to Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. is given and some hybrids for breeding department are recommended.
The evaluation results of complex interspecies hybrids, their backcrosses for garden qualities of tubers, and the manifestation of other agronomical features among the isolated material are presented in the article. With each account in the years of the study, hybrids with higher taste, digestibility, cooking property, smell and less darkening of boiled tubers were more isolated than the best of the varietal standards.
The possibility of isolating other agronomical features among the samples with high garden qualities is proved: productivity, significant number of all and marketable tubers, large average weight of one tuber and marketability and also the marketability of yield.
The research results of the Polesye Skilled Office of The Institute of Potato Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (PSO IPG NAAS) varieties and hybrids of potatoes of the Belarusian selection, their percentage in posterity from crossing are reported in the article. Characteristic of the varieties created with their participation is given.
The evaluation results of varieties of potatoes for processing in starch are presented in the article. Most of the varieties can be attributed to the content of starch in the group of medium- and high-starch samples, which corresponds to the norms of raw materials for processing in starch.
RAPD-primers ОРН-04 and SC10-02 were used for the analysis of products obtained from the fusion of protoplasts of cultivated potatoes with the Mexican species S. bulbocastanum. The hybrid nature of post-fusion products was confirmed by the joint use of present primers. RAPD-primers OPH-4 and SC10-02 may be used also for the detection of DNA polymorphism between individual lines from fusion combinations of S. bulbocastanum + S. tuberosum (4x) and S. bulbocastanum + S. tuberosum (2x).
As a part of potatoes gene pool collection in the Institute of Potato Growing of NAAS of Ukraine both cultural, and wild forms are supported. A considerable part is occupied by the selection varieties of potatoes created by scientists of the different countries of the world. Selection of creation of the new varieties of potatoes steady against pathogens with high manifestation of others agricultural valuable signs, demands full-time employment over search of the new forms steady against new races and strains of activators, studying of genetics of stability and relationship of the owner and a pathogen, development of strategy of rational use of genetic resources of plants resistance to harmful objects.
Sources of the main agricultural valuable indicators are distinguished from material of the potatoes gene pool introduced and involved in a collection.
The research results on assessment of newly created initial material of potatoes on immunity PVY, PVX, PVA viruses and allocation of stability sources among it and initial forms with a complex economic valuable signs are presented in the article. The experimental data demonstrate that use in hybridization of the trans-species hybrids received on the basis of types of S. stoloniferum, S. chacoense and S. andigenum with the subsequent assessment of a complex of virologic methods allows to create the new forms of potatoes immune to viruses. The allocated hybrids of potatoes can be used as initial forms in selection on a virus resistance.
The results of potatoes breeding for resistance to late blight over the period 2012– 2016 are given in the article. Six hybrids with complex late blight resistance and improved agronomic traits were created based on species S. demissum, S. bulbocastanum, S. microdontum, S. simplicifolium, S. acaule, S. andigenumи S. phureja.
Agronomic characters of complex interspecific potatoes hybrids (S. tuberosum vs: S. demissum, S. bulbocastanum, S. phureja, S. andigenum, S stoloniferum, S. vernei, S. etuberosum, S. brevidens, S. polytrichon, S. polyadenium, S. berthaultii, S. chacoense, S. spegazzinii, S. acaule, S. brevicaule, S. tariense, S. jamesii, S. megistocrolobum, S. simplicifolium, S. pinnatisectum, S. microdontum, S. rybinii and S. gourlay) are discussed in the article. As a result of the analysis, the initial potatoes genotypes with complex disease resistance and improved agronomic characters were selected.
The research results of biological and economic efficiency studying of the Serkadis protectant, SC for preplanting cultivation of seed tubers for Rhizoctonia blight and other potatoes diseases control in 2014 are given.
The research results of the biological and economic efficiency of insecticide Freya, EC against the Colorado potato beetle are presented in the article.
The research results of prevalence and population structure of viral potatoes diseases in Grodnо and Vitebsk regions are reported in the article. The most widespread viruses in these regions are S and M, then Y and X. Viruses L and A are the least widespread. The most favorable virological situation in Vitebsk region is in Vitebsk and Orsha districts, in Grodnо region is in Korelichi and Berestovitsa districts.
Ecological basic has been demonstrated for microorganisms in potatoes cultivation technologies to ensure effective control of phytopathogens and reduction of losses in the course of tuber storage. The results of estimated efficiency of biopreparation Bactosol for control potato diseases during vegetation and post-harvest periods are presented.
The research results of the evaluating the effectiveness in the application of Bayer AG pesticides on the potatoes are presented in the article. Their influence on the phytosanitary situation in crop planting, biological and economic efficiency were well-studied. It has been proved that the best result is provided by the complex use of Emesto Quantum seed dresser, Zenkor Ultra herbicide and Concento and Infinito fungicides.
The research results of potatoes cultivation in production experiments with the use of various protectants and herbicides in Gomel region are presented in the article.
The results of monitoring researches of viral diseases of potatoes in soil-climatic conditions of Polesye of Ukraine are presented in the article. An analysis of the situation in potatoes seed shows that the varieties are largely affected by viral diseases. In elite potatoes seed nurseries, PVM-, PVS-, PVX- and PVA-viruses were found, both in monoinfection and in the composition of pathocomplexes, whereas the PVY-virus is found only in pathocomplexes.
Investigation of the species composition of pathogens, their vectors, pathways of infection in the field makes it possible to predict the occurrence and development of viral diseases and is the basis for the correct and effective application of protective measures.
The multivalued phenomenon of field resistance to potato viruses is basically conditioned by genetic, infectious and phytosanitary factors of different type. The traditional estimation technique provided in a number of methodical guidelines does not reflect the clonal nature of reproduction and propagation of the bred varieties and hybrids. It is expressed in the points assigned depending on the percentage of virus infection, which does not exactly reflect true resistance in the evaluated accession. It is suggested that the assignment of points should be based not on the number of infected plants, but on the degree and character of disease symptoms displayed, on severe, moderate or light manifestation of the disease. Such approach to the estimation of field resistance appears to be more objective and skilled.
During the researches for receiving highly active specific anti-serums to PVX and PVY the optimum scheme of immunization of laboratory animals has been revealed. As a result, antiserum with a high caption at immunization of laboratory animals according to the scheme № 1 has been received.
The research results on the use of technological reception for early potatoes production in Moscow region are presented in the article. The yield increase using the covering material is by 8.7–45.0 % depending on the variety during harvesting in the first period (July, 15), with later harvesting (July, 30) the yield increase is 18–52 % depending on the variety. The yield use of existing cover-up layers will allow to mechanize this process and grow early potatoes in large areas.
The application results for preplant soil (decompaction subsoil horizon) agricultural machine, AKR-3 and machines for the care of plantings of growing potatoes with spacing 70 and 90 cm on the yield and quality of tubers are presented in the article.
The research results on the cultivation of ware potatoes with row spacing 70 cm and 90 cm are presented in the article. The effect of the row width on agrophysical parameters (moisture, density, hardness), biometric parameters of plants (plant height, number of stems), yield and its structure, biochemical parameters tubers (dry matter, starch, nitrates) is given. The profitability of growing ware potatoes with a row spacing 70 cm and 90 cm is calculated.
The research results of complex influence of the recommended dose of mineral fertilizers in combination with foliage spraying by microfertilizers Micro Mineralis (Potatoes) and Nano-Mineralis and size of lsodic fraction of tubers and the area of plants nutrition on productivity of potatoes are covered. It is established that to higher efficiency of a dose of mineral fertilizer was against the background of joint introduction with foliage spraying of microfertilizers on landings of potatoes that provided productivity 47.2 and 48.6 t/ha on options where landed potatoes fraction 45 and ³ 60 mm according to the area of nutrition 70´25 cm and productivity 63.6 and 70.1 t/ha with the same fractions with an area of nutrition 70´30 cm.
In the short-rotation four-field crop rotations of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine conditions of potatoes cultivation under different fertilizer systems were studied. The influence of organo-mineral complexes on the formation of water-physical properties of soil, plants supply with basic elements of nutrition, and potatoes yield are established.
The economic efficiency of potatoes production depending on varieties, sowing terms and drilling depth in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine is reflected in the article. According to the results of the research, it has been established that the best economic effect in potatoes growing was achieved when growing the medium-early variety Divo, the level of profitability in the first planting period (23–25.04), at the depth of 6–8 cm was 227.32 %. At the same time, the cost of 1 ton of potatoes of the studied variety was 1069.29 UAH, and 1 ha of the harvested area was received 113 757.00 UAH of profit. In the cultivation of medium-ripe and medium-late potatoes varieties, a slight decrease in the profitability level was observed. So, in the variety Nadezhnaya level of profitability was 224.86 %, the variety Dar – 224.36 %.
The optimal term for planting potatoes is the first term (23–25.04). The later sowing of the optimum period leads to a shortage of crops and a decrease in the profitability of each hectare of land. Thus, the cost price of a potato crop obtained from planting of tubers in the first term (23–25.04) is the lowest and makes up 1183.97 UAH. for 1 ton, conditionally net profit amounted to 2316.03 UAH, and the level of profitability was the highest among the studied variants and amounted to 195.62 %.
The conducted studies point to the problem of mechanical damage to tubers during potatoes harvesting and as a consequence of the premise of phytosanitary state of tubers during storage are given. The sensitivity of potato tubers to mechanical damage is revealed, depending on the method of mechanized harvesting.
In the season 2016/2017 on the trial field of Lorch Potato Research Institute was assessed 16 samples collected from experimental lots of minitubers for their varietal identification and prevalence of plant diseases. Based on the results of visual examination of the plant, stem, leaf characteristics inflorescence deviations on indicators of varietal typicality varieties was not detected. Only one sample showed mix of other varieties.
Results of visual assessments and laboratory test showed that all experimental lots of minitubers was free from heavy and mild mosaic (PVM, PVY) leaf roll (PLRV) and black leg in according with normative requirements of the standard. Efficiency indicators (the mass of tubers, g/bush), quantities of tubers (pieces/bush), structures of yield differed depending on maturing terms of varieties and generally corresponded to their highquality characteristics.
The researches on the influence of various factors are shown that the yield of potatoes in construction of frame area depends on foliage spraying with microfertilizers, planting density and cultivation methods. The economic efficiency of potatoes yield varieties of different ripeness groups is presented.
The influence of growth regulator substances, planting patterns of minitubers on the yield and seed productivity of improved seed potatoes in the culture of meristems in vitro was studied in the nursery-garden of pre-basic seed growing of the Institute for Potato Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in the conditions of the southern part of Polesya of Ukraine in 2015–2016. The use of PGR Stimpo with different methods of application, the use of tubers of different size and their layouts for planting ensured an increase in the yield of Sluch variety in the range of 0.4–3.7 t/ha or 1.5–14.9 %.
The improved microplnts of potatoes in vitro were placed in conditions with different photoperiod and temperature conditions in order to observe and compare the intensity of the initiation of the formation of potatoes microtubers. The grown with different photoperiod and temperature regime microtubers were later planted in frame area conditions, where the growth and development of potatoes plants was assessed and the yield of mini-tubers was taken into account.
The research results of natural and climatic factors influence of mountain conditions in the North Caucasus on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of minitubers are reflected in the article. The studies were carried out in the field of obtaining minitubers with the use of microplants seedlings and microtuber in vitro for 4 potatoes varieties. The experiment was placed at an altitude of 2300 m above sea level. Positive results on the formation of minitubers in the mountains. On seedling technology 6.2–6.7 tubers are received. Use of microtubers in vitro – 5.1–5.2 tubers. Micro plants formed 4.3–4.7 tubers. The yield of the standard fraction when growing minitubers in the mountains was 60–89 %.
The cultivation possibility of the revitalized potato plants the variety «Innovator» in LED installations with controlled light conditions was estimated. The cultivation modes differing according to spectral and time characteristics were compared. Effects of various light spectrums on morphogenetic processes of plants in vitro are defined. It is established that the following light status allows to receive plants with optimum biometric indicators: 10 days white + blue, and then 20 days – white + red.
Any high-yielding potatoes variety has an advantage over other varieties through healthy seed tubers.
The method of reproduction of healthy tubers of varieties Sarma and Lina in Tyumen region is described in the article. This method makes it possible to maintain a healthy planting material from disease for 8–10 years, while the reproduction of seed tubers in the southern part of the region varieties deteriorate after 4 years.
In the course of replication and cultivation of necessary volumes of in vitro material the period of formation of morphological structures and achievement of microplants of standard characteristics is important for original seed farming. The existing regeneration assessment technique by the number of days from the moment of placement of microshanks on new nutrient medium does not allow to carry out planned approach to drawing up and implementation of the program of clonal microreproduction. New methodical approaches to a material in vitro to potatoes assessment are offered the main phases of development of plants in the culture of fabric: intensive growth (formation of 2–3 interstices), the slowed-down growth (4–6 interstices) and natural dying off. The recommended elements by assessment regeneration in vitro are carried out on the basis of studying of ontogenesis of 15 potatoes varieties. The presented results reflect the differentiated varieties approach to formation of morphological structures in the course of replication.
The research results in 2014 and 2015 are presented in the article. It is shown that selection of healthy clones in potatoes seed farming requires application of a complex of diagnostics methods which supplement each other and allow revealing a wide range of viral and bacterial infections.
The research results are highlighted concerning potato tops extraction terms on seed potato stands in condition of southwestern part of Ukrainian forest steppe. By the research, it is established, that with the aim of obtaining more quantity of planting material, potato tops extraction is necessary to be carried out in 14 days after flowering.
The work development analysis of improvement of potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke cultivation technologies on the basis of new achievements are shown in the article including nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive and socio-humanistic (NBICS) of convergence technology with information and biotechnological sciences.