
Potato Growing

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Vol 25 (2017)
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5-14 72

The potatoes varieties of Belarusian and Russian breeding that have a high biological value and grade standards by the dry matter, total protein, vitamin C, reducing sugars, nitrates, total antioxidant capacity are obtained.

15-21 80

The regularities of vitamin C inheritance in different types of crosses are made. The estimation of the hybrid combinations by occurrence frequency in the offspring genotypes with high levels of ascorbic acid is given. The proposed methods of selection of initial forms for hybridization are suggested. Identification of promising parental forms and combinations to create varieties with a high content of vitamin C are selected.

22-29 102

The evaluation results of 25 potatoes varieties for the consumer and cooking qualities of the tubers and parental forms for hybridization were chosen. In the process of field-testing of breeding material, it was established that the hybrids with a complex of qualities of tubers identified in the crosses of components with high selective signs and with the average degree of their phenotypic manifestations.

30-39 75

The research results of tuber buck eye rot resistance among potatoes hybrids obtained on the basis of different wild species: S. demissum, S. bulbocastanum, S. stoloniferum, S. verrucosum, S. polytrichon, S. vernei, S. chacoense, S. berthaultii, S. sucrense, S. phureja, S. rybinii and S. andigenum are presented in the article. Populations with high level resistance to late blight of tubers (7.1–8.6 points) have been selected. Different types of trait inheritance were identified on basis of indicator «degree of phenotypic dominance». Estimation of heritability coefficient (in a broad sense) revealed that the tuber late blight resistance is mainly determined by genetic factors (H2= 0.6–0.9), the share of paratypical variability was 10–40 %.

40-46 72

The results of a comparative research of fifteen accessions of potatoes on the basis of yield, starch content, biochemical indices of tubers resistance to buck eye rot are presented in the article. The analysis of the ecological plasticity and stability of yield and biochemical parameters of potato tubers is made. The genotypes with high breeding value: 200.25-58, 201.260-48, 503-55 are obtained.


47-59 70

The efficiency of three different PCR-markers of extremely resistance (ER) to PVY from diploid potatoes species Solanum chacoense has been determined. It was identified high efficiency RAPD-marker 38-530 and SCAR marker Ry364370 for Rychc gene identification in potatoes breeding material. It was shown one of two, or even both markers in many wild species genotypes and in interspecific hybrids which have S. chacoense germplasm in their pedigree. That testifies the perspective of such genotypes for potatoes breeding with the aim of extremely resistance to PVY.

60-67 74

The transgenic plants of potatoes expressing the gene for the synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ALA-synthase have been shown to possess the increased ALA-synthesizing ability and higher resistance to low temperature in comparison with the wild type.

68-81 84

The research result on the evaluation of a hybrid material of 4 combinations of analyzing crosses of transgenic potatoes with npt II gene on the phenotypic appearance of a marker sign – the resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin when cultured on selective medium are presented in the article. According to the DNA marking data, transgenic (+npt II) and non-transgenic forms (–npt II) were selected and cultured on selective media with different concentration of kanamycin sulfate (100, 220, 250, 300, 350, 400 mg/l). It was established that selective medium with a concentration of kanamycin sulfate of 220–250 mg/l should be used for the screening of generative progeny from transgenic samples with npt II gene. It was proved that the formation of air roots of in vitro potatoes plants is not associated with the expression of the marker gene npt II.

82-93 90

The research results on selection of initial material of potatoes with immunity to PVX and PVY and studying the nature of inheritance of the trait in the hybrid offspring are presented in the article. The obtained data indicate that all the samples presented in the study inherit a sign of virus resistance in the offspring, and the ratio of resistant to susceptible seedlings corresponds to the assumed character of the segregation. The isolated initial forms of potatoes can be used as donors of resistance to PVX and PVY.

94-104 70

The results of potatoes somatic hybrids prebreeding with North American species S. bulbocastanum and S. polyadenium and following selection of advanced forms with buck eye rot resistance are presented in the article.


105-120 119

The time and application methods of Gumi-20M and Fitosporin-M at various doses of introduction of full fertilizer on early potatoes of studied terms and methods of application the variety Nevsky were obtained in the field experiment. In integrated agrotechnologies of early potatoes, triple processing Gumi-20M is possible and application of Fitosporina-M isn’t proved.

121-129 76

The results on the prevalence and populations structure research of viral potatoes diseases in Gomel region are presented in the article. It is demonstrated that in Rechitskiy and Zhlobin districts there is a relatively favorable virological situation for potato planting. The most problematic districts are Zhitkovichskiy and Rogachevskiy. The potatо yellow dwarf virus PYDV was detected for the Uladar variety on the territory of the APC «Krasnaya Armiya» in Rogachevskiy district.

130-134 69

The research results of breeding hybrids resistance to wound watery rot in the biennium 2016–2017 are presented.

135-140 90

The data on the two-year research of biological and economic efficiency of contact fungicide Gremmi, SC against late blight and early blight during the growing season is presented in the article.

141-156 97

The research processes of crop production under private farms of the population, as well as – of large-scale agricultural enterprises of the public sector of the national economy, have allowed formulating innovative acceleration concept, which is expressed in the mapping of the concept of self-regulatory regions biodynamic pests on the example of studying the Colorado potato beetle in potato plantings. The overall economic efficiency of the active use of innovation makes it possible to obtain additional 16.2 rubles of net profit for score-hectare of arable land.

157-163 71

The two-year data on resistance of competitive variety trials of potato hybrids to Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn is presented in the article. The estimation of potato breeding material for sprouts and tubers for resistance to Rhizoctonia rot is given and some hybrids for breeding department are recommended.


164-186 94

On basis of conducted investigations the results of complex use of separate technology growing elements on yield of early-ripening potatoes varieties breeding of the Institute of Potato Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in soil-climatic conditions of Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are given.

187-196 99

The application results for preplanting soil cultivation, pan busting agricultural machine AKR-3 and agricultural machines for the plantings care of potatoes to agrophysical soil indicators (humidity, density, hardness) and yield when growing potatoes with spacing 70 and 90 cm are presented in the article.

197-214 90

Potato cultivation on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil with wide-row planting of 90 cm (SC-4; АМРК-4-90; OKG-4; KGO-3,6), planting density 48–52, 53–58 thousand tubers/ha, with mineral fertilizers in doses (N90P60K150 and N120P90K180) on the background of 40 t/ha of organic ensures the yield of varieties: Uladar – 50.9–54.4 t/ha and 53.2–58.1 per t/ha, Skarb – 48,5–51.9 and 50.4–53.0; Rahneda – 47.7–50.9 and 51.3–53.6 t/ha respectively.


215-223 122

The results of soil texture influence, variety resistance and reproduction of planted seed on the quality of seed potatoes are represented in the article. Depending on growth conditions, the higher yield was obtained at the middle loamy soil in the period of 2014–2016 years.
The three years analysis dates shows that planting potatoes yield depends on soil texture and weather conditions.

224-232 75

The research results obtained during complex testing of field potatoes varieties during postharvest period by ELISA in combination with indexing are presented in the article. The structure of the viral infection of field material of potatoes was determined. The lose PVS accounted for 31.6 %, the share of PVX and PVM accounted for 10 %, PLRV was contained in 8 % of all tested material, PVY was detected in 4.7 %, PVA was detected in 0.2 % of field samples.


233-239 73

The analysis of the problems in the potato cultivation of the Russian Federation related challenges: from import substitution, global and local climate change; globalization, increased competition in the markets of the SCO, the EEU, healthy diet, positive assessment of the technological (physical, chemical, biological) treatment in potato, is presented in the article.

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ISSN 0134-9740 (Print)