For use as garden suitable for processing potatoes products, the varieties Yuliya, Mastak, Karsan, Garantiya, Rubin are recommended. Krok variety is as technical one. Samples 072899-10, 77-10-2, 41-11-5, 77-10-15 35-09-15 are recommended as initial forms in potatoes breeding for quality and industrial processing.
The results of the evaluation of potatoуы variety samples potentially suitable for processing into potatoes products on a complex of economically useful features are presented and parental forms for inclusion in various crossing combinations are identified. Hybrid populations by crossing parental forms with different degrees of suitability for processing into potatoes products are assessed. The frequency of genotypes occurrence among hybrids of the 1-st generation of tubers suitable for processing by the color of crispy potatoes slices and the content of reducing sugars in tubers in the dynamics of winter-spring cold storage (t=+3...+4 OC) was analyzed. It is established that the efficiency of selection of suitable hybrids that do not require conditioning depends on the genotype of parental forms and the direction of their use as of crossing components.
The research results on the patterns of inheritance of colored pulp and the content of antioxidants in hybrid potatoes offspring obtained from crossing parent forms with a high level of these characteristics are presented in the article. Effective methods for selecting the source material for selection to increase the intensity of the colored pulp and the content of antioxidants are proposed. Based on the research of general and specific combination ability, the best parent forms and hybrid combinations for creating varieties with a high overall antioxidant capacity and rich colored flesh are identified.
According to the research results in 2017–2019, samples were identified that under conditions of moisture lack during the growing season reduced productivity to a lesser extent: in the group of medium – early Mastak (092924-52) in 2017 – 16.2 %, and in 2018 – 41.0 %; in the group of medium – Vodar (8875-7) – 20.9 %, Bayarski (8975-11) – 39.8 %, Garantiya (8662-13) – 41.9 %.
The results of interspecific potatoes hybrids analysis to determine the presence of resistance genes to late blight, potato cyst nematode and potato wart are presented in the article. Hybrids 50-12-14, 50-12-4, 50-12-2, 143-14-1, 178-14-17 are the most valuable due to accumulation more gene specific markers.
The research results of the assessment of late blight resistance, using artificial inoculation of tubers with fungal inoculum Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, combinations of primary and secondary interspecific hybrids created with the participation of wild, cultivated potatoes species are focused in the article.
Among the combinations of primary interspecific hybrids, P18 (І1 S. boergeri / S. chacoense) and P16 (І1 S. pinnatisectum / S. chacoense) with a high average population manifestation of resistance to the pathogen – 4.0 and 3.4 points, respectively were distinguished. The number of samples with resistance above seven points in these combinations was 19.0 % and 9.7 %.
In the material of secondary interspecific hybrids, an increase (relative to primary interspecific hybrids) of the average population resistance to late blight of tubers was observed – from 4.7 to 7.8 points. In the combinations B54 (B9c23 / B35c50) and B52 (B44c51 / B37c55), this indicator was 7.8 and 7.0 points, respectively. The proportion of forms with resistance above seven points reached from 25.0 % in combination B59 to 88.0 % in combination B54.
The unique gene-specific primers were developed to assess the level of gene expression of cinnamic acid metabolism in potato leaf cells. The basal level of the relative gene expression of tyramine hydroxycynnamoyl transferase (THT) and cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) was estimated. The presence of correlations between the level of expression of the research genes and potatoes resistance to diseases such as late blight, rhizoctonia, common scab, black leg is discussed.
The samples from in vitro collection of wild species Solanum were evaluated for resistance to PVY, PLRV, Phytophthora infestans. The screening of lines using DNA-markers was carried out. The genotypes of potatoes with single markers for resistance to late blight, PVY, PLRV, PLRV, including 1 with 4, 2 with 2 markers of resistance, were identified.
The research results on the assessment of dihaploids and wild potatoes species, maintained by tuber reproduction in the collection of RUE «The Research and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing», for resistance to PVY, PVX, PVM and PVA, late blight, black leg and isolation of resistance sources to these pathogens are presented in the article. Based on the research carried out, a number of resistant forms have been identified, that can be used in various directions of potatoes breeding.
The research results of the biological and economic efficiency of the insecticide Mamba, EC for spraying potatoes plantings during the growing season against the Colorado potato beetle are presented in the article
The research results of the biological and economic efficiency of the Bagrets Plus, KS dressing agent in the period 2019–2020 for the pre-planting treatment of seed tubers for the control of Rhizoctonia rot, common scab and Colorado potato beetle are presented.
The research results of samples resistance of competitive variety testing of the potatoes selection department to wound watery, fusarium and anthracnose rot in the period 2019– 2020 are presented.
The two-year data on resistance of competitive variety trials of potatoes hybrids to Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. are presented in the article. The estimation of potatoes breeding material for sprouts and tubers for resistance to Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. is given and some hybrids are recommended for breeding process.
The research results of effective immunization schedule identification for laboratory animals to obtain a highly active antiserum to PVX are presented in the article.
The experimental data on the search for isolates of the tobacco rattle virus using complex diagnostics of the research potatoes material is presented in the article. As a result of this work, the indicator-plant N. Debneyi was identified, which carries an isolate of tobacco rattle virus.
The research results of the effect of row spacing increase from 75 to 90 cm on the duration of the physiological dormancy period of potatoes tubers of different ripeness groups are presented in the article. It was found that a change in the row spacing up to 90 cm leads to an extension of the dormancy period for tubers of Briz variety – 7 days, Skarb – 6, Ragneda – 3 and Vektar – by 8 days. The physiological rest period was: Briz – 107 days, Skarb – 104, Ragneda – 58 and Vectar – 57 days, while with a row spacing of 75 cm it is equal to 100 days, 98, 55 and 49 days, respectively.
Tubers of Briz and Scarb varieties have a long dormant period while Ragneda and Vectar have a short dormancy.
The results of technological and immunological assessment of the suitability of batches of food and seed potatoes for long-term storage, grown with a row spacing of 75 and 90 cm are presented in the article. It has been found that the suitability of potatoes lots directly depends on the meteorological conditions of the year and the technological operations carried out during the potatoes cultivation, which, as a result, affects the resistance to mechanical damage and the development of pathogens in the mass of stored potatoes.
The influence of foliar spraying with microfertilizers, planting density and cultivation methods on potatoes yield in protected ground structures is studied. The agronomic efficiency of microfertilizers for growing minitubers of different groups of ripeness is presented.
The research results of the effect of top dressing on the potatoes plants yield in the first tuber generation in the protected ground are presented in the article. It was found that for the early and middle ripeness groups, two-fold treatment with the preparation Nanoplant Co, Mn, Cu, Fe during the vegetation period gave a significant increase in the yield. In the middle-late group, plants in construction of protected ground responded well to top dressing with microfertilizers Nutrivant Plus.
The research results of prevalence and population structure of viral potatoes diseases in six main potato-growing districts of Minsk region are presented. A relatively favorable virological situation on potatoes is observed in Minsk region. The largest number of plants affected by viruses was noted in Slutsk region. The most suitable for elite potatoes seed production are in Puhovichi district – Republican Agricultural Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise «Experimental Base «Zazerye», in Molodechno district – Peasant Farming «Pakusha», in Minsk district – SE «Voshod», in Lyuban district – Agricultural Administration «Zagalskiy» OJSC «Mapid».
The research results on the effect of herbage removal time and methods on the accumulation of viral infection during field reproduction of seed potatoes are presented in the article. It has been established that methods of herbage removal do not affect the spread of viral infection and the yield of potatoes varieties Manifest, Yanka, Vectar. Timely herbage removal when reaching 70 % of the seed fraction allows to obtain a high yield of quality seed material of potatoes pure from viral infection.
The research results on the effect of aspartic acid on the crop of potatoes tubers in aeroponics and in vivo are presented in he article. As a result, it was found that in order to obtain the maximum yield of potatoes tubers in aeroponics, it is necessary to use aspartic acid spraying of vegetating potatoes plants at a concentration of 10 mg/l, and in vivo the use of a biostimulator at a concentration of 10–15 mg/l significantly affected biometric indicators, as well as an increase in the mass and number of commercial tubers.