The potato variety Mastak was evaluated for yield, starch content, biochemical parameters in comparison with the standard variety Manifest. In addition to high biochemical indicators, Mastak has a high yield, complex disease resistance, etc. The main distinguishing feature of the Mastak potato variety is its immunity to the most harmful X and Y viruses that infect potatoes in Belarus.
Over the past five years, Belarusian scientists have created ten new varieties of potatoes for special purposes. The varieties differ among themselves in the group of ripeness, the color of the peel, the color of the pulp, palatability traits, appealing appearance of the tubers and the intended use of the crop.
New potato varieties of the early ripeness group Krasavik and Umka of RUE «The Research and Practical Centre of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato, Fruit and Vegetable Growing» were studied according to morphological characteristics, biochemical and technological indicators. Evaluated their suitability for industrial processing for crisps and garnish potatoes, fries, dry mashed potatoes, vacuuming: Krasavik is a table grade with a high nutritional value, suitable for industrial processing into potato products; Umka is a table grade with a high nutritional value, suitable for vacuuming.
The data on the patterns of inheritance of antioxidants and vitamin C content in potato tubers are presented. The correlation is established between the indicators of these traits: in parents and offspring, between the average value of antioxidants and ascorbic acid in the components of crosses as well as combinations and the percentage of selection of heterotic genotypes. Based on the data obtained, effective methods of potato breeding are proposed to increase the content of antioxidants and vitamin C. The characteristics of potato varieties with a high level of these and other valuable traits are given.
The research results of the comprehensive assessment of potato varieties of domestic and foreign selection in the conditions of the western region of the Republic of Belarus are presented. According to the results of the research, varieties that are maximally adapted to these natural and climatic conditions have been identified.
In the conditions of the western region of the Republic of Belarus, domestic varieties Krasavik, Manifest, Umka, Skarb, Bayarski, Ragneda, foreign varieties Prada, Lilly and Eurostarch were characterized by high adaptive potential.
The article presents the results of molecular screening of interspecific potato hybrids for the presence of resistance genes to potato cyst nematodes – Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida, as well as to potato wart – Synchytrium endobioticum. Four interspecific hybrids were identified (193-15-3, 0215.258-3, 8м17-44a, 60ум15-5), which are characterized by the presence of six analyzed DNA markers.
PCR primers, as well as TaqMan-kits have been developed for evaluating gene expression of phospholipase C (PLC) isoforms in wild-type potato (WT) and transgenic plants expressing antisense RNA to inhibit PLC genes. Using the TaqMan- kits for the genes of PLC1 and PLC3 isoforms, as well as for the gene-normalizer ef1ain duplex realtime PCR determines the differential gene expression of the PLC isoforms in various tissues of potato plants. The «endpoint» PCR established a decrease in the expression of the PLC genes in transgenic plants compared with WT
The study results of 22 potato hybrids created by the employees of FSBSO «Federal Potato Research Center named after A. G. Lorch» (laboratory of genetics), in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus are presented. 16 sources of productivity were identified, 2 – increased starch content, 3 – suitability for industrial processing and 8 – for dietary varieties selection.
The results of the creation of potato basic material for the period from 2017 to 2021 are presented. 16 hybrids were identified for resistance to viral diseases, 11 for late blight, 6 for high starch content, and 5 for suitability for industrial processing for potato products. The resulting hybrids were transferred to the breeders of the Center in basic forms. The samples bred in the laboratory of potato genetics have helped to create varieties Yuliya, Mastak and Sapfir
The research results of the assessment of potato breeding material for field resistance to viruses under conditions of an artificially created infectious background are presented. As a result of the research, the degree of field resistance of the studied promising potato breeding samples to viruses was established. According to the results of three-year tests, samples with a very high, high and medium degree of field resistance to PVX, PVS, PVM, PVY, PVA were selected. Based on the presence of other economically valuable traits in the studied forms, the breeders submitted 8 potato varieties to the state variety testing of the Republic of Belarus.
The study results of potato varieties of Ukrainian selection according to economically valuable traits are presented. Based on the research, sources of productivity, suitability for processing into potato products after 5 months of storage without reconditioning, sources of resistance to late blight, blackleg and viral diseases, as well as varieties with good palatability traits were identified.
The two-year data on the resistance study of potatoes hybrids to Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. are presented. Evaluated the potatoes breeding material for sprouts and tubers resistance level. Some obtained hybrids are recommended for breeding process.
The method of extraction of the total content of phenolic compounds and hydroxycinnamic acids from lyophilized tissues of potato leaves has been optimized. The key parameters values, such as incubation time and extractant concentration, were determined for their efficient extraction. The results obtained can be used to study the dynamics of the accumulation of the total amount of phenolic compounds and hydroxycinnamic acids in the tissues of potato leaves in normal conditions or under a phytopathogenic attack and other external factors.
Presented the results of studies of the influence of agrotechnical practices (pre-planting tillage (pan busting) with an AKR-3 agricultural machine and PLN-3-35 plowing, planting density and fertilizer application system) when growing new potato varieties Yuliya, Garantiya, Mastak on biochemical parameters (dry substance, starch, total protein, vitamin C, nitrates).
The article presents the study results of the influence of pre-plant tillage (pan busting) with an AKR-3 agricultural machine and PLN-3-35 plowing when growing ware potatoes with planting width of 75 cm on agrophysical indicators (moisture, density, hardness). The optimal planting density and the fertilizer application system for new potato varieties Yuliya, Garantiya, Mastak, which ensure the maximum yield of marketable potatoes, have been determined.
The research results of testing the organomineral fertilizer of KGU IPAN on sodpodzolic medium loamy soil when growing potatoes are presented. Using KGU locally ensures the yield of tubers 39.6–43.8 t/ha, (average 41.7 t/ha), which is higher than the «control – without fertilizer» option by 4.2–6.9 t/ha (average +5.6 t/ha), and the increase in yield was 11.7–18.9 % (average +15.5 %). In the variant with the use of KGU, a decrease in the content of dry matter and starch in tubers was found by 0.9–2.0 % and 1.0–2.1 %, respectively, and the nitrate content slightly increased to 12.3 mg/kg (average 83.0 mg/kg, below the MAC of 250 mg/kg). The content of total protein and vitamin C in tubers was at the level of the control variant and amounted to 1.06–1.07 % and 16.3–19.9 mg%, respectively.
The research results of studies of the effect of foliage fertilizing on the yield of potato plants in the protected ground constructions are presented. It was found that for the early and middle ripeness groups, double treatment with the preparations Nutrivant Plus and Nanoplant Co, Mn, Cu, Fe during the vegetation period gave a significant increase in yield. In the middle-late group, plants in protected ground structures responded well to foliage fertilizing with Nutrivant Plus and Ecogum Cu + Ecogum P.
The research results of the effectiveness of micro-fertilizers were presented on Nanosilicon, Kristalon (universal, yellow, brown), FERTIKA lux, Batr max which provided an increase in the yield of micro-tubers in the closed ground. It was found that when growing seed material of the first tuberous generation in closed ground conditions, the following micro-fertilizers can be used to activate tuberization in order to increase the yield of micro-tubers: Batr max – the first treatment is 5 ml/l, the second is 1.2 l/ha, the third is 1.2 l/ha; FERTIKA lux – the first, second and third treatments are at a dose of 0.4 l/ ha; Kristalon brown and yellow – the first treatment is 0.4 g/l, the second is 0.2 kg/ha, the third is 0.2 kg/ha.
The research results of the effect of different substrates: sand, perlite, peat and their combinations on the growth and development of index plants are presented. It was found that the substrate that соntains peat has a positive effect on the growth and development of index plants of potato varieties Ragneda and Pershatsvet.
The results of studies of the effect of the polymeric micro-fertilizer Zelenit nitrogen micro on the yield of potato tubers under aeroponics conditions are presented. Based on the studies, it was found that spraying of the aerial part of plants with Zelenit at a concentration of 15 mg/l had a positive effect on the formation of the number and length of stems, as well as the number of leaves and the formation of the maximum number and the required fraction of mini-tubers. The Manifest variety stood out with the largest number of mini-tubers – 80.7 pcs/plant using Zelenit at a concentration of 15 mg/l.