The researches were conducted in RUE «The Scientific and Practical Center of NAS of Belarus for Potato, Vegetable and Fruit Growing» in 1986–2014. During that period based on the domestic and foreign selection varieties and interspecific hybrids consistently high-yielding line six inbred generations of potato were obtained which for years remained high as the absolute (more than 1200 g/bush) and relative (above the original form) productivity. The majority of lines of the 1st inbred generation were created on the grades basis but the lines of higher inbred generations (from the 2nd to the 6th) – on the basis of interspecific hybrids. It is established that creation possibility of steadily highly productive lines in big degree depends on the genotype of the initial form. From steadily highly productive lines the following forms are distinguished: with the raised and high starch content (102-00-12l2, 109-09-1l2, 105-00-1l3, 134-10-5l4 and 146-08-4l4), low reducing sugar content after 5 storage months (85-07-22l2,109-09-1l2 and 146-09-4l4), excellent tastes (146-10-2л6 and 148-10-3l6), high resistance to tuber buck eye rot (21-93-8l1, 36-93-11l2, 85-07-22l2, 106-00-2l2, 117-99-2l3, 121-99-1l4 and 132-10-24l4). The combination of the maximum economic quantity of valuable signs allocates the following lines: 102-00-12l2, 36-93-11l2, 85-07-22l2, 109-09-1l2, 134-10-5l4.
The assessment to parental forms with colored jacket and pulp on data transmission of signs to posterity is given. Perspective interspecific hybrids and grades as well as hybrid combinations for selection material with red and violet jacket and colored tuber pulp are allocated.
With the immunno fermental analysis help after artificial infection with Y-virus of potato the collection from 240 interspecific diploidic hybrids of potatoes received on the basis of the Mexican allotetraploid type of Solanum stoloniferum was estimated. It was shown that among them selection material with high resistance to viral infection which is steadily transferred to posterity at a backcrossing of digaploidama of cultural potato can be selected. Monogenic nature of inheritance of sign «extreme resistance to usual and necrotic strains of PVY», transferred to interspecific hybrids from S. stoloniferum is experimentally confirmed. Such nature of sign inheritance will allow using the received split populations of hybrids on the basis of S. stoloniferum for marking of a new factor of extreme resistance to PVY from this type of potato.
This article presents the research results of dihaploids, wildlife and cultivated potato varieties regarding their applicability for industrial processing and creating source materials.
The research results of potato varieties resistance to damping-off are presented in the article. In general, 18 sort-samples which can be used in selection as resistance sources of pathogen are selected.
The research results (2011–2013) of wildlife potato varieties resistance to damping-off on the stems are presented in the article. At the end of the research 4 forms with high resistance to the studied pathogen which can be used as resistance sources are selected.
On the basis of types of S. polytrichon, S. stoloniferum, S. vеrnei, S. rybinii and S. andigenum perspective interspecific hybrids for selection on black eye rot resistance are received. The usage of types intermediaries of S. vеrnei, S. andigenum and also an interspecific hybrid of S. vеrnei ´ S. rybinii allowed to receive perspective initial forms for selection. As initial forms for selection hybrids 190-07-14, 223-07-6 and 94-08-6 are recommended for black eye rot resistance. By results of long-term researches in 2015 the perspective hybrid 69-09-20 with rather high resistance to black eye rot of leaves and very high stability of tubers, good economic indicators which are recommended as an initial form for selection of potato on black eye rot resistance is allocated.
The proteomic evaluation of transgenic potato plants derived from the cultivars of Belarusian breeding expressing the genes of antimicrobial peptides of the cecropin-melittin type was conducted. The increased accumulation of patatin proteins was observed. That fact can be a result of plant defense system activation under constitutive transgenic synthesis of antimicrobial peptides.
Somatic hybridization method is a reliable way of introgression in the cultural potato S. tuberosum of the genome resistance to PLVR from wildlife Solanum varieties of genome Е: S. etuberosum, S. brevidens.
Introgression of non-tuberous genetic elements of Solanum types in cultivated potato genome of S. tuberosum by somatic hybridization is validated with SCAR-marker COS4 for COSII_Atg14320 gene of S. etuberosum.
The research results of the biological and economic efficiency contactsystemic fungicide Flanobin spray the crops during the growing season against late blight and early blight of potato.
The research results of the biological and economic efficiency of insecticide Inta-Vir Double effect spray of potato during the growing season against the Colorado Potato Beetle.
The research results on the selection of the Belarusian isolates PVX and PVY viruses of potato are intended for the artificial infection of plants drives to obtain preparative amounts of potato viruses.
It is shown that it is important to maximize the number of viral preparation and to pick the isolates during infection which the plant will effectively accumulate the virus.
The research results of the selection of Belarusian isolates of PVM for receiving viral preparation are given in the article. This preparation will be conducted for immunization of animals at the production of diagnostic ELISA test-systems. As a result of the subsequent artificial infection with a dynamic accounting of the level of accumulation of the virus, the output of the final product (purified viral preparation) revealed: the most effective among the Belarusian PMV isolates – the isolate allocated on clone of potato of varieties Neptune; as the most effective store – a tomato of varieties Nevsky.
The monitoring results to identify tobacco rattle virus, potato mop-top virus and alfalfa mosaic virus in the planting of potato at various management agriculture of five districts of Vitebsk region are present in the article.
It is established that the greatest distribution from three studied viruses has Rattle-virus (5.5–17.3 %) which is found out in each of investigated areas. The greatest quantity of positive tests is revealed in Lepel (17.3) area. The incidence potato plantings of mop-top and alfalfa mosaic viruses has the less significance.
Tuberous analysis method has revealed the necrosis of the pulp in tubers of the following varieties: Red Scarlet, Skarb of Verkhnedvinsk area (1.7–2.5 %), Skarb, Ragneda of Polatsk area (3.3–7.5 %).
The research results on the nanofertilizer effect (Nanoplant Co, Mn, Cu, Fe) on the growth and development of potato explants in culture in vitro of varieties Palats are given in the article. It is found that the nanofertilizer (Nanoplant Co, Mn, Cu, Fe) in a concentration of 0.1 ml/l increase biometrics plants in vitro.
The construction of new cultivator ridge KG-1 for planting care of topinambur and potato on the ridges is described in the article. The technologic process of its work is also described.
The new cultivator ridge KG-1 has shown effectiveness in process caring of topinambur and potato plantings.
The research results (2013–2014) of the improved raw material and the use of plant growth regulator Vympel, integrated Oracle universal fertilizer and selected agricultural practices (topping tops, tiered earthing) at different planting schemes in a north-eastern forest steppe of Ukraine, which will improve the quality of seed tubers and increase their rate of reproduction are presented in the article.
The research results on influence of technological methods of cultivation of potato varieties on the biochemical composition of tubers and their productivity are presented in the article. Mineral and organic fertilizer increase the nitrate content in tubers of the varieties studied but the drug «Ecosil» – decreases. The maximum yield of the studied potato varieties has gained in the application of mineral fertilizers in the dose N120Р60К180 on the background of 40 t/ha of organic fertilizer with the use of BIO product «Ecosil» and it was sort of Breeze – 50.1–55.0 t/ha and grade Skarb – 47.4–52.1 t/ha. Effective methods of germination and use of BIO product «Ecosil» increase the yield of marketable products.
The research results of potato varieties of the Polesye Research Centre of the Institute for Potato Research of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agricultural Sciences at different terms of defoliation of potato varieties with different yield terms are described. It is established that the highest market value of seed potato yield is achieved for the potato varieties Santarka, Tiras, Zavia, Partner, Letana in case of defoliation at 15 days after flowering for the potato varieties Zvizdal and Polesyae jubilee in case of defoliation at the start of natural foliage desiccation. The specific conditions of growth are the important factor of presence of tubers seed fraction in the yield, especially for presence of significant number of tubers under the stem.
The research results on working out bed technology of cultivation of potato in 2 and 3 lines are presented. Commodity productivity of the potato which is grown up on bed, at entering of mineral doses of fertilizers N90P60K150 and N120P90K180 against 40 t/ha of organic fertilizers has made: the Manifest in 2 lines – 48.9–50.4 t/ha, in 3 lines – 48.0–52.2; Skarb – 38.1–39.6 and 37.8– 41.4; Accent in 2 lines – 44.4–50.5 and 3 lines – 43.6–50.8 t/ha.
Reception technology features of half-finished product of brushwood and potato product «Brushwood» are considered. The surface morphology of halffinished product of brushwood is investigated.
The production technology of dehydrated potato providing the following consistently carried out technological stages is developed: potato giving, tubers rinse, calibration and inspection, cleaning (mechanically cleanings or steam way of cleaning or steam-water-thermal cleaning way), tertiary treatment and sulfatation of potato, tubers cut, scalding and cooling of potato slices, drying and inspection of potato, magnetic potato separation, packing, marking, transportation and storage of ready-made product.
Technological manufactures of tinned potato including following consistently carried out stages: a sink, clearing and secondary clearing of potato, processing by chemical reagents of potato, blanching and potato cooling, pouring preparation, product packing, preparation of container and covers, container closing, product sterilisation, transportation and storages of a ready product are developed.